What is virtualization?

Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual version of your Linux operating system. It is possible also at home, in your home virtual laboratory. You will learn basics of virtualization process.

Archcraft Linux introduction

Today I want to present another system based on Arch Linux. And this is Archcraft Linux introduction. You will learn basic information about this smart operating system. In addition, I added a basic presentation with screenshots. This presentation is about user interface, system features and how programs look.

Google Slides introduction

You can use Google Slides to make a great presentation, and it is a part of Google’s Office services. You can use it through a Web browser on any operating system and device. In this first article you will find a basic Google Workspace introduction.

CachyOS Linux Introduction

How do I write the best CachyOS Linux introduction? I am writing this article in the same way. You will know some basic information about this nice-looking operating system. In addition, I added a basic presentation with screenshots. It has twenty slides ready for you. CachyOS Linux Introduction CachyOS Linux operating system s designed for … Read more