Google Slides Tutorials (Slides A-Z)

Here you will find all my Google Slides tutorials. These tutorials are based on my instructor’s experience, and I have collected all important and necessary activities in everyday use.

  • Google Slides introduction. This is a basic tutorial. After reading, you will learn about the Google Slides window, and the program’s main menu. This is a short introduction to Slides.
  • How to make a presentation in Google Slides. A short tutorial about creating a new presentation in Google Slides, and you will learn how to create a short presentation: starting from Google Drive, creating a folder, and then creating a Slides document. A free PDF is also available.
  • How to access your Google Slides documents. There are different ways to access your Google Slides application. You will learn how to get to Slides quickly, how to add shortcuts that are helpful, and how to install a mobile app.
  • Google Slides menu explained. I have collected and explained all commands available in the Google Slides menu. You will learn what is possible and what command you should use.
  • How do I import a PowerPoint presentation into Google Slides. There is basic and important information about how to import PowerPoint presentations into Google Slides documents.
  • How to manage slides in Google Slides presentations. After reading, you will learn how to effectively manage your slides in Google Slides.
  • Adding text to your presentations. You will learn how to add text and format it in your slides.
  • Adding images and managing images. A short lesson on how to add and replace images, also how to format them.
  • Adding multimedia to slides (audio, YouTube movies). Each presentation can contain multimedia files to attract your presentations to people.

Additionally, I am working on other articles. Some example are:

  • Google Themes & Background. Your presentation can look attractive for session participants. You can use themes and change the background.
  • Inserting Charts & Diagrams. If you are preparing a business presentation, it is nice to have. You will learn how to do that.
  • Building Your Own Themes. Google Slides offers the possibility to create your own themes for a future use.
  • Notes, Exporting & Sharing. Before presenting you can prepare yourself using notes, export and sharing options.