Linux Desktop Environment introduction

There are many different flavors of each Linux distribution, and it is mean view. No matter if you are a Windows or Mac user, Linux’s graphical environments make the onboarding process easier. You will learn read here about Linux desktop environment introduction.

What is a Linux Desktop Environment?

The graphical environment is an essential component of any Linux distribution. It determines how programs appear and function on your computer. Desktop environments come with their own set of pre-installed applications, and as a result, there is always something new and exciting to look forward to. Let’s see this small presentation about different flavors.

List of Linux desktop environments

  • Budgie desktop environment. A modern and elegant desktop environment with a sleek and intuitive design, perfect for users who value simplicity and functionality. It is user-friendly in 10/10.
  • Cinnamon desktop . A classic and user-friendly desktop environment with a beautiful and customizable interface, great for users who prefer a traditional desktop experience. User-friendly: 10/10.
  • CuteFish Environment. An elegant, attractive, and easy-to-use Linux desktop i3 tiling window manager for developers and expert users.
  • Deepin desktop environment. A beautiful and elegant desktop environment with a clean and stylish design. It is ideal for users who want a modern and beautiful desktop.
  • Enlightenment desktop. A futuristic and highly customizable desktop environment with a sleek and streamlined interface, great for users who want to personalize every aspect of their desktop.
  • GNOME. A popular and user-friendly desktop with a clean and modern design. It is perfect for users who value simplicity and ease of use. It is user-friendly: 8/10.
  • KDE Plasma. KDE stand for K Desktop Environment, that is Kool Desktop Environment. It is a highly customizable and feature-rich desktop environment with a modern look and feel. You can find more information on their original website.

Additional Linux desktop environments:

  • LXDE desktop. A lightweight and fast environment with a simple and minimalist design. It is perfect for users who want a no-special addons desktop.
  • LXQt environment. A small and modern desktop with a clean and consistent design. It is perfect for users who want a fast and efficient desktop.
  • MATE desktop environment. A classic and user-friendly desktop with a simple and intuitive design. For users who want a traditional desktop experience.
  • Pantheon desktop. A beautiful and elegant environment designed for the elementary OS. Perfect for users who want a visually appealing view.
  • Trinity desktop. A classic and user-friendly Linux desktop. With traditional computer system desktop experience.
  • Unity. Another user-friendly and intuitive desktop environment designed for the Ubuntu OS. It is great for users who want a straightforward and easy-to-use desktop.
  • Wayfire desktop environment. It is another one desktop environment.
  • Xfce desktop environment. A low resource and fast desktop environment. It is with a clean and minimalist design, perfect for users who want a simple and useful system.